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In 1982-83, during her research study exploring community based organizations in the Khed block of Pune district, Dr. Sudha Kothari observed that in most villages the government had made an effort to organize women under the Integrated Child Development Services into Mahila Mandals (women’s collective at the village level). However, in most villages these mandals were registered just as a formality. Dr. Kothari made an attempt to revive these groups through a number of community awareness programs.She strongly believed that the success of any development process required sustained active involvement of community based organizations, such as mahila mandals and youth groups.

Equitable access to micro finance and other services for the rural poor women to enhance their quality of life. Till date, the overall experience of the Federation has been to organize women effectively and mobilize their collective strength to help enable the women to solve their own problems. We believe that organized women, who are aware of their rights and have control over assets, can enjoy greater gender equality and an increase in their quality of life.
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This site was made possible by the Manthan Project, led by Chaitanya Sanstha and sponsored by the International Development Research Center, Canada.
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