Vision: |
Equitable access to micro finance and other services for the rural poor women to enhance their quality of life.
Till date, the overall experience of the Federation has been to organize women effectively and mobilize their collective strength to help enable the women to solve their own problems. We believe that organized women, who are aware of their rights and have control over assets, can enjoy greater gender equality and an increase in their quality of life. |
Mission: |
The federation’s mission is to build institutions owned and governed by rural poor women, which ensure their access to efficient financial services. The Federation also aims to increase women’s capacities to resolve their own issues through legal services and linkages with relevant institutions |
Objectives: |
Organizing women into strong and sustainable self help groups, clusters and federations as a forum for sharing and learning
Providing financial services to its members, which include savings, credit and insurance
Promoting linkages with institutions such as Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) and Friend’s of Women’s World Banking (FWWB), to meet the financial needs of its members.
Undertaking experiments for exploring sustainable farming practices and livelihood security through self-help groups.
Addressing issues of violence against women through legal counseling and other support services.
Values: |
Equality: No discrimination on the basis of gender, caste or income
Teamwork: Office Bearers and all members of the staff work as a team
Accountability: The office bearers of the federation are accountable to the members and the staff is accountable to the office bearers
Transparency: Complete transparency in all the financial transactions
Flexibility: The operations have a certain degree of flexibility to meet the needs of its members
Coordination: An emphasis is placed on coordination to avoid duplication of efforts
Discipline: Financial discipline is maintained
Self- reliance: GMSS aims to be self-sufficient, self-reliant and self-sustainable